Spiritual Science, Higher Conscious Thinking, and How to Access The Universal Consciousness: Learn How To Expand The Power Of The Mind At Every Level of Existence Paperback $23.36

CONCEPTS WRITTEN ABOUT IN THIS BOOK How the universe downloaded all its knowledge into my mind – How to design your life experience the way you want it to be, before you have to live it – until now, mostly undiscovered Universal Success Principles – Creation – What was created at the “Big Bang” – Who was “Jesus”, and what did he look like, according to the obscure Roman writings, and other non-biblical records? – Who / what is “God”? – – – Who really created the first Bible? – Who / what are you? – Who created you? – What is the Physical world made of? – What is Universal Consciousness? – How to use the right techniques to access the Universal Consciousness to manifest good things in your life – “Pearls of wisdom” and Success principles you can only learn by talking to Billionaires – How the Universal Consciousness speaks to you – What is the Universal Mind? – What is your “Mind”?